Table of Contents:

1. Overview
2. How to get started?
3. API Authorization
4. FAQ’s

If you have any questions, please contact


OnDeck’s Partner API allows our partners to directly connect to OnDeck’s services using the system of their choice. As a partner integrated to our APIs, you can request an instant pre-qualification on behalf of a merchant and receive an offer that includes loan amount, term and pricing. In addition, our APIs allows our partners to effortlessly send underwriting documents and bank statements as well as check the latest status of an application.

Technical Specifications

  • OnDeck’s APIs are built according to industry standard practices for third-party RESTful web services
  • Strong validation, authentication & encryption
  • Entry points for requests are sent via HTTP over SSL (all information is encrypted)
  • Requests are made using HTTP POST
  • Both the request body data and response data are formatted in JSON

How to get started?

A good way to test API calls is to use tools such as Postman.

There are two environments (Test and Production). Each environment has its own set of credentials. The base URLs are:

API Authorization

To use the API, you will need Basic Authentication and an ApiKey. Both of these values must be passed in the header. The Authorization header is:

"Basic " + 64BitEncode(Username + ":" + Password)

An example of what values in the header would look like are below:

Content-Type:   application/json  
Apikey:         000  
Authorization:  Basic eR2XQ0Qvb2RlY2tjYXBpdGFsLmNvbTpPbmRlY2sxMjM5

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)

1. Is there an API call limit or throttle of any sort?

While we have the logic in place to throttle, we currently do not set a limit on number of requests. We may decide in the future to limit if usage causes heavy load on our servers.

2. What is the average response time to receive a response?

The endpoints that pull credit data (pre-approval and submit-application) have longer response times – averaging around 30 seconds. We recommend that if you are using these two endpoints, you set the wait time to 1.5 minutes.

If validation errors or system errors is encountered, the server will respond within seconds. For lighter endpoints such as getStatus, the average response per call is around 2 seconds.